This website doesn't include images to reduce the C02 emissions. If you would like to know more about any of the projects, please send me an email and I will happily share a visual portfolio with you.

m.bueygonzalez at

María Buey González

······ Prague Quadrennial PQ2023 to be held from 8th to 18th June 2023. I am the designer of the Spanish Pavilion at this year edition, ¡Viva la Montaña! is the name of the project.
······ soon more info about a one-year project on climate, arts and research that I am curating for Matadero Madrid, with Centre for Artists in Residence, Intermediae and European Climate Foundation

······ During 2021 I was fellow at The Terraforming, at the Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design in Moscow. Peak Face is the ongoing design research project that was started then ······ I've been recently speaking at "Lo acuoso más allá de lo tangible" for Mayrit Bienal ······ Aparasolada was the last syte specific project I've co-authored with bwelke and Maral Kekejian for Bosque Real 2022 ······ I designed the book Postcards from the Antropocene, published by DPR-Barcelona ······ During the spring semester 2022 I've been Visiting Assistant Professor at EPFL, Lausanne, for studio elii ······ In February 2022, I contributed to the seminar Another Terraforming organized by Medialab Martadero. ······ In November 2021 I introduced some work at Materias Mediales – [Anti]materia, hosted by Centro de Cultura Digital in Mexico. You can watch it here.

I have worked with/for:

* Bosque Real
* CA2M
* Centro Cultura Digital Mexico
* Dimad
* elii [oficina de arquitectura]
* El País
* École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
* IED Innovation Lab
* Institute for Postnatural Studies
* Jula Spínola
* La Casa Encendida
* Matadero Madrid
* Medialab Matadero
* Mutant Institute of Environmental Narratives
* New Generations
* Pelonio
* Rhode Island School of Design
* RLA & Associates
* Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
* Tere Solar

last update 31JAN2023

I was trained as an architect (MArch) at ETSAM - Polytechnic University of Madrid, and I continued my training in Mexico, Germany and Chile, where I collaborated at major firms such as ELEMENTAL or OSS. I am interested in analyzing the implications of automation, computational technologies, and model-based design processes on both the built environment and the relational realm. I work across transdisciplinary collaborations that combine research and site specific practice, often in alliance with related organizations such as CA2M, Institute for Postnatural Studies, DPR-Barcelona, IEDMadrid Innovation Lab, La Casa Encendida, Medialab Prado or Matadero Madrid. I was part of PAPER Architectural Histamine independent publishing platform, which was awarded with a Graham Foundation Grant and FAD Award de Pensamiento y Crítica.
I am a third of bwelke, and I write for several specialized media. I have participated, or my work has been shown at Venice Architecture Biennale, Mutek Montreal, CCD (Centre of Digital Culture) in Mexico, Sociología Ordinaria Congress, Strelka Press, COAM Madrid, CENTROCENTRO, MACA (Master of Architecture Communication at ETSAM), Universidad de Alicante, El País, Bartlebooth, Libros Mutantes, Radio Relativa, among others.

This website doesn't include images to reduce the C02 emissions. If you would like to know more about any of the projects, please send me an email and I will happily share a visual portfolio with you.